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Ubiquiti GBE-Plus P2P Richtfunk 60 GHz

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Ubiquiti GBE-Plus P2P Richtfunk 60 GHz

186,35  плюс. НДС

airMAX GigaBeam Plus 60 GHz Radio airMAX® 60 GHz Radio System with True Duplex Gigabit Performance. GBE-Plus is a 60 GHz Radio capable of supporting 1 Gbps rates with very low latency. GBE-Plus can be used as a high throughput backhaul/edge PTP solution in WISP deployments. Housed in a outdoor industrial design, the GBE-Plus achieves significant gain improvements with an integrated Cassegrain reflector design. The GBE-Plus is easily set-up, configured and managed through the UISP dashboard and UISP?? Mobile app via Bluetooth. Features: Low-Interference 60 GHz Spectrum 35 dBi Antenna Gain with Integrated Reflector 1.5+ Gbps Bidirectional Throughput with Low Latency Long Range, up to 1.5 km link.ui.com Planning Support Quick Setup Using the UISP?? App via Bluetooth

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Ubiquiti GBE-EU P2P Richtfunk 60 GHz
GBE - GigaBeam, 60 GHz/5 GHz Funkmodul mit 1+ Gbit/s Durchsatz

Der GigaBeam ist eine 60 GHz-Antenne, die für störungsarme Konnektivität auf kurze Distanzen mit einem hohem Durchsatz und geringen Latenzzeiten ausgelegt ist. Eigenschaften:
60 GHz-Funk
Bis zu 1+ Gbit/s bei geringer Latenz
Volle Bandbreitenunterstützung: 2,16 GHz

0/5 (0 отзывов)
Вес 1,000 кг
Габариты 155,000 × 137,000 × 0,000 см