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Video conferencing

Cooperate and communicate globally

Portrait of an asian woman having a video conference

Why video conferencing?

Globalization and on-demand communication are essential for businesses today. Video conferencing helps you meet these challenges.

Video conferencing increases your productivity, saves time, reduces travel costs and promotes collaboration with your employees and partners both locally and internationally.

Free ASCEND videoconferences

How does it work?

It is quite simple. We have a small guide for you depending on how you want to use our conference system.

Right from here with the browser

For more help or for a quote to help you build your own video conferencing servers, click here:

Internet of things illustration

When you create a conference, you agree to our terms of use.

Enter your room name here and the conference can begin.

Have fun with it.

Why video conferencing?

Globalization and on-demand communication are essential for businesses today. Video conferencing helps you meet these challenges.

Video conferencing increases your productivity, saves time, reduces travel costs and promotes collaboration with your employees and partners both locally and internationally.

Free video conferencing

When you create a conference, you agree to our terms of use.

Bonding Networks Illustration

Video conferencing allows you to “meet” with multiple people at once – no matter where you or your partners are. Meetings with multiple participants can be held without any fuss.

This is one of the best ways to speed up the completion of your projects.

Video conferencing saves time and money related to your business travel. Routine meetings, negotiations, interviews, and other communication tasks are easier than ever with video conferencing.

Do you have employees who work from home? Do you or your employees have remote workplaces (home office)? Video conferencing is an essential tool for staying connected with your employees and running your business.

Video conferencing allows participants to focus more intently on the topic of discussion than in an ordinary meeting. Projects are completed faster because productivity increases and it is easier for your employees to communicate with each other.

Video conferencing is far superior to normal phone calls. You can see the body language and facial expressions of the participants. Additionally, it helps your employees feel that you are available even from their home office.

Video conferencing allows you to stay connected with your employees even at unusual working hours. Even if your employees’ work schedules only overlap at certain times, video conferencing can help you overcome this difficulty with relative ease.

Plan your conferences and meetings independent of time.

Talk to several people in one day, even if they are in different locations.

Better teamwork and faster results from group projects.

Connect the video conference with digital whiteboards.

The ASCEND videoconferences

Jitsi logo

We use Jitsi to realize your video conferences. With Jitsi, we not only have a reliable partner, but also an experienced one. You can customize the conference to your needs as you like.

Take advantage of Ascend’s hosted and encrypted video conferencing, anytime. However, we are also happy to install the system at your site “on premise” or host your own instance and customize it for you. Just as they like.

We are pursuing the same goals as Jitsi:

At Jitsi, we believe that every video chat should sound and look amazing, whether it’s between 2 or 200 people.
(translated from english)

Contact us today to get a quote. We are happy to hear from you!


Wilhelm-Spaeth-Straße 2
90461 Nürnberg

Social Media


Germany only

+49 911-148875-20

+49 (0)911 148875-0

The opening hours

Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 18:00

We look forward to hearing from you!