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Discover our SD-WAN applications

Expand your network with our high-performance SD-WAN applications

Internet of Things illustration

✓ SD-WAN Applications from ASCEND

Learn more about our custom SD-WAN applications specifically designed to maximize the performance and security of your network. Our wide range of applications covers various industries and offers you innovative solutions for construction sites, events, vehicle fleets and guests & hotels. Discover how ASCEND SD-WAN technology gives you optimized connectivity, increased security , and improved traffic .

Engineers Illustration

✓ Sites

The modern network for your company

On construction sites where different teams and equipment need to be coordinated, we offer a specialized SD-WAN application. ASCEND allows you to build a stable network and optimize communication between sites. Connect workspaces, monitor traffic in real-time, and ensure your teams can collaborate seamlessly. With our construction site SD-WAN application, you maintain full control over your network while increasing the efficiency of your construction projects.

Learn more about our SD-WAN solution for construction sites and simplify your construction projects. Contact us today for a free consultation.

✓ Events

Strengthen your event communication

For event organizers, we offer a powerful SD-WAN application to improve connectivity during your events. With ASCEND, you can build a secure and reliable network to ensure communication between attendees, speakers, and organizers. Whether it's conferences, trade shows, or live events, optimize network bandwidth, prioritize traffic, and deliver a world-class event experience to your guests.

Huge event

Learn more about our SD-WAN solution for events and strengthen communication at your events. Contact us today for a free consultation.

First Responders Illustration

✓ Fleet

Connect your vehicle fleet

For companies with a fleet of vehicles, we offer an efficient SD-WAN application. With the ASCEND solution, you can monitor the health and performance of your vehicles in real time, optimize routes and prioritize data traffic. Improve delivery time, reduce operating costs and increase the safety of your fleet. Our SD-WAN for vehicle fleets enables you to optimize your logistics processes and manage your fleet activities seamlessly.

Learn more about our SD-WAN solution for vehicle fleets and optimize your logistics processes. Contact us today for a free consultation.

✓ Guests & Hotels

Offer your guests a first-class networking experience

In the hospitality industry, a reliable network infrastructure is crucial. With our SD-WAN application for guests and hotels, you can deploy a high-performance network and provide your guests with a seamless and secure Wi-Fi experience. Manage traffic, ensure network security, and provide best-in-class connectivity to your guests. The ASCEND SD-WAN for guests and hotels is the ideal solution to increase the satisfaction of your guests and take your hotel to a new level.

Wifi Events Hotspots Illustration

Learn more about our SD-WAN solution for guests and hotels and deliver a best-in-class networking experience to your guests. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Request a free consultation now!

At ASCEND GmbH, we pride ourselves on providing customized SD-WAN applications to maximize the performance and security of your network. Discover our solutions for construction sites, events, vehicle fleets and guests & hotels. Contact us today for a free consultation and learn how ASCEND can help your business. We look forward to hearing from you!


Wilhelm-Spaeth-Straße 2
90461 Nürnberg

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+49 911-148875-20

+49 (0)911 148875-0

The opening hours

Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 18:00

We look forward to hearing from you!