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Viprinet Virtual VPN Hub

The picture shows the Ascend Viprinet Multichannel VPN Hub 01-01020.
The hub is a technical device with many connections and antennas.
It has a rectangular housing with rounded corners and is mostly transparent so that you can see the various components inside.
The hub stands on a white background and the cable connections are clearly visible.

Viprinet Virtual VPN Hub

As an alternative to using physical VPN hub hardware, Viprinet offers virtual Multichannel VPN Hub instances.
The Viprinet Virtual VPN Hub is a pure software application that works like a physical hardware hub and can be operated e.g. as an Amazon cloud service or as a virtual machine on any server worldwide.

This makes the Virtual VPN Hub the perfect solution for a variety of deployment scenarios that are already based on a cloud solution.
The download of the Virtual VPN Hub is free of charge, a monthly usage fee is charged per actively used tunnel.
The Viprinet team will be happy to support you in planning your VPN Hub infrastructure.

Viprinet virtual vpn hub

>The VVH installation instructions provide support for setting up the Virtual VPN Hub.

Your hub solution for the cloud

Most flexible hub solution

  • Fast global deployment, runs on many cloud platforms
  • Perfect solution for short-term assignments and international customers
  • Pure software solution, provision on request and immediately

Practical and all-inclusive

  • All software licenses already included
  • Prices are based on usage
  • Simple upscaling and downscaling

Cost reduction

  • Operate multiple hubs on one physical server
  • Benefit from reduced hardware and rackspace costs
  • Use the cloud to outsource hardware

High investment security

  • Same functionality, web interface and reliability as with Viprinet VPN Hardware Hubs
  • Works with all existing products
  • Create redundancy for ultimate uptime

Advantages for bonding service providers

Customized solutions

  • Unlimited scalability
  • Use cloud platforms with global data center locations
  • Multiple instances possible, dedicated cloud solution for each customer

Active tunnel

12.90 € per month 1)

Minimum number of tunnels


Active VPN client connection

3.90 € per month 2)

Minimum subscription period

30 days

Billing interval


Available as a subscription at


1)All prices are exclusive of
statutory VAT; per 30 days; calculation basis is the price per tunnel per day of € 0.43

2) All prices are subject to
statutory VAT; per 30 days; calculation basis is the price per tunnel per day of € 0.13

Prices quoted include Viprinet subscriptions only.
Additional costs for hosting such as rack space, licenses for hypervisors or server hardware, and service fees may apply.

Please note that Viprinet VPN Clients for the Viprinet Virtual VPN Hub can only be rented; VPN Client licenses can only be purchased for physical Multichannel VPN Hubs.
Even VPN client licenses that have already been purchased can only be used with physical Multichannel VPN Hubs, but not with the Virtual VPN Hub.

Title Viprinet Virtual VPN Hub
Form factor housing -
Power supply -
LAN interface up to 10 Gbit/s depending on the hypervisor
WAN interface up to 10 Gbit/s depending on the hypervisor
WAN module slots -
Bonding capacity up to 2 Gbit/s depending on hypervisor

1)All prices are exclusive of
statutory VAT; per 30 days; calculation basis is the price per tunnel per day of € 0.43

2) All prices are subject to
statutory VAT; per 30 days; calculation basis is the price per tunnel per day of € 0.13

Prices quoted include Viprinet subscriptions only.
Additional costs for hosting such as rack space, licenses for hypervisors or server hardware, and service fees may apply.

Please note that Viprinet VPN Clients for the Viprinet Virtual VPN Hub can only be rented; VPN Client licenses can only be purchased for physical Multichannel VPN Hubs.
Even VPN client licenses already purchased can only be used with physical Multichannel VPN Hubs, but not with the Virtual VPN Hub.

Prices quoted include Viprinet subscriptions only.
Additional costs for hosting such as rack space, licenses for hypervisors or server hardware, and service fees may apply.

Please note that Viprinet VPN Clients for the Viprinet Virtual VPN Hub can only be rented; VPN Client licenses can only be purchased for physical Multichannel VPN Hubs.
Even VPN client licenses that have already been purchased can only be used with physical Multichannel VPN Hubs, but not with the Virtual VPN Hub.


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90461 Nuremberg

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+49 911-148875-20

+49 (0)911 148875-0

The opening hours

Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 18:00

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