Viprinet - Your reliable choice for flexible network solutions

The right Viprinet product for every application
Whether mobile or stationary, whether for connecting a vehicle or a company location: Viprinet can be used to implement any project. The modular design of multichannel VPN routers makes it possible to use the latest technologies in the shortest possible time. For example, our first routers from 2007 now support current standards such as VDSL or LTE by simply replacing hotplug modules.
Multichannel VPN hubs can also be adapted to special purposes through additional software licenses, e.g. for video streaming or the management and billing of complex customer structures. This means that all Viprinet products offer you investment security.
Viprinet products
Wilhelm-Spaeth-Strasse 2
90461 Nuremberg
Social media
Germany only
+49 911-148875-20
+49 (0)911 148875-0
The opening hours
Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 18:00